Manuscripts received are subjected to:

  1. initial review by the Editor-in-Chief to ensure that such manuscripts meet basic publication requirements like formatting, font type and size, language, referencing style, etc. The major aim at this stage is to ensure that the submitted manuscript meets IJSI publication basic guidelines.
  2. Once the manuscript passes first level review, it is subjected to blind peer review by two experts. The experts must be specialists in the area of the study. Their verdict determines whether the manuscript will be accepted for publication or not. It is important to state that a manuscript can be accepted with (a) minor correction, (b) with major correction – Which must be subjected to further blind peer review after the corrections have been effected. However, a paper that in the decision of the reviewers is unpublishable is rejected and same is communicated to author(s).

For a paper with minor correction status after peer review, the Editor-in-Chief would ensure that such corrections were effected before final acceptance.