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In Nigeria, the incidence of unsafe induced abortion remains high, and this has been attributed to low contraceptive use and the restrictive abortion law in the country. The aim of this study was to examine the knowledge, attitude, practice and determinants of induced abortion among adolescents and youths in and out-of-school in Port Harcourt. This study draws from the knowledge theory. A combination of simple random and purposive sampling methods was utilized and a total sample of 752 in-school and out-ofschool adolescents and youths were selected. Data were collected using self-administered questionnaires. Both descriptive and binary regression analyses were performed. Results revealed that, 68% of the adolescents and youths have heard about induced abortion and about 54.7% know places where abortion services can be obtained, (93.1%) of the respondents admitted that abortion is wrong and 77.3% were not supportive of legalization of abortion. Abortion practice was 13.6% and education, religion and family income status were key determinants of induced abortion. Programs to reduce the incidence of induced abortion should aim at the expansion of the legal conditions of the abortion law, inclusion of sex education in the curriculum of in-school adolescents and youths; and economic empowerment of those living in lowincome households.
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