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Scholastica N. Atata
Ayokunle O. Omobowale


The transition to democratic system of government in Nigeria has witnessed an increase in the emergence of ethnic movement groups. Such ethnic movement groups are the pro-Biafra groups in reaction to perceived socio-political and economic exclusion of the Igbo and reflect the extent of development the people benefit in Nigeria. This study examined the possible effect of Biafra renaissance on the underlying dimensions of development in South-East, Nigeria. Using relative deprivation theory, this study presented
the sense of marginalization expressed by Igbo people and two dimensions of development in South-East, Nigeria. Qualitative methods of data collection and analysis were adopted, these include: in-depth interview, focus group discussion and case study. The data collected in two cities–Aba and Onitsha– were analysed using ethnographic and content analysis. It argued that Biafra holds a value that projects the needs and expectations of Igbo people and suggested the need for peaceful dialogue for socio-political and
developmental changes.

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How to Cite
Atata, S. N., & Omobowale, A. O. (2023). BIAFRA RENAISSANCE AND THE DEVELOPMENT DILEMMA IN SOUTHEAST, NIGERIA: DOI: 10.36108/IJSI/2202.11.0360. Ibom Journal of Social Issues, 11(3), 52–66. Retrieved from


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