Culture and Bilateral Diplomacy: A Study of Nigeria-Saudi Relations DOI: 10.36108/IJSI/2202.11.0140

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Amah Maclean Williams
Esther Kinsley Egemba


Culture has always been a central component of international relations. From the reciprocal exchange of gifts and goodwill by ancient rulers to modern-day cultural exchanges, culture has been used as a way for leaders and countries to build lasting relationships. It influences how people within a country interact with each other, it guides decision making, values, thinking patterns and behaviour. This is true of Nigeria-Saudi bilateral relation as culture occupies a central position in their relations. This paper relied on diplomatic and bureaucratic correspondences, Newspaper publications and existing literature on Nigeria-Saudi relations, to examine from a historical perspective, the role of culture in the relations between Nigeria and the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. It evaluated the changing nature, character and escalating dynamics of these relations. The study identified issues and areas of cooperation that can provide the basis for sustained Nigeria-Saudi Arabia relations. The paper concluded that cultural events involving two or more states can draw them closer diplomatically; a further proof of the relevance of the cultural factor to the understanding of the foreign policies of states. Hence it showed the inadequacies of International Relations theories to capture the realities of third world international relations. 


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How to Cite
Maclean Williams, A. ., & Kinsley Egemba, E. . (2022). Culture and Bilateral Diplomacy: A Study of Nigeria-Saudi Relations: DOI: 10.36108/IJSI/2202.11.0140. Ibom Journal of Social Issues, 11(1), 29. Retrieved from
Author Biographies

Amah Maclean Williams, Department of History and International Studies

Akwa Ibom State University.


Esther Kinsley Egemba, Department of Sociology and Anthropology

University of Uyo, Nigeria.



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