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Abbas Ismail
Jimoh Amzat


The study aimed at analysing the extent to which women access maternal health services in Funtua, Nigeria. Most births take place outside health facilities and without the presence of skilled attendants. Katsina State records a high level of maternal mortality with an estimated maternal mortality rate of over 1,000 maternal deaths per 100,000 live births, because a high percentage of births take place outside health facilities. This cross-sectional study sampled 384 mothers of under-fives through a quantitative method. The study found that 55.2% of the respondents found it challenging to access maternal health services, and 38% pointed out long waiting-time as the major problem they faced during their antenatal care visits. The tested hypotheses indicated a relationship between maternal education, independent income and antenatal care attendance. The study recommends women empowerment and improved political will to expand the coverage of maternal health services. Outreach programs to provide vital information on the importance of facility based deliveries should be reinforced. 


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Ismail , A. ., & Amzat, J. . (2022). UNDERSTANDING ACCESS TO MATERNAL HEALTH SERVICES IN FUNTUA, NIGERIA: https://doi.org/10.36108/ijsi/2202.11.0210. Ibom Journal of Social Issues, 11(2), 1–12. Retrieved from https://ijsi.org.ng/index.php/home/article/view/28


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