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Cosmas A. Udom
Aniefiok S. Ukommi
Anne E. Ekanem


The study is an examination of pension administration as a correlate for retirees’ wellbeing with focus on
retirees of Akwa Ibom State Universal Basic Education board. In this study wellbeing is measured using
the OECD standard indicators of health, housing and material conditions. Related literature were
reviewed and the social exchange theory was used as the theoretical framework. The study adopted the
descriptive survey research design and the purposive and snowball sampling technique. Data was
collected from 203 respondents through the use of questionnaire and determined via the Taro Yamane
while the simple percentage was used as a method of data analysis. Findings from the study revealed that
poor pension administration has a negative impact on the wellbeing of retirees and a majority of the
retired primary school teachers have poor wellbeing, a situation they slipped into post-retirement. The
material condition of life of retirees is equally deplorable as pension income never comes at the proper
time and as such consumption pattern in most retirees’ households have been affected adversely. The study
recommends that there should be an adjustment to the pension scheme in terms of its implementation,
administration and coordination to ensure early disbursement of funds to retirees Government should
encourage a stakeholder engagement forum perhaps quarterly. The existing pension laws should be
strengthened and strong disciplinary measures put in place to ensure that those who are involved in
looting pension funds face the law.
Keywords: Pension administration, retirees’ wellbeing, Pension scheme, Universal Basic Education and
Akwa Ibom State

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How to Cite
Udom, C. A. ., Ukommi, A. S. ., & Ekanem, A. E. . (2022). SAVING FOR RETIREMENT DAYS: A CURE OR CURSE? A STUDY OF UNIVERSAL BASIC EDUCATION BOARD RETIREES, AKWA IBOM STATE, NIGERIA: Ibom Journal of Social Issues, 11(2), 23–35. Retrieved from


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