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Samuel Ojima Adejoh
 Franca Attoh
Gabriel Aunde Akinbode
Peter Elias
Ajijola Abiodun


The main objective of this study was to examine the influence of socio-demographic characteristics, community characteristics and fear of crime on self-reported health status among residents in selected communities in Lagos, Nigeria. The study was conducted in four selected communities in Lagos, namely Mushin, Idi-Oro, Idi-Araba and Surulere. Cross-sectional design survey was used to select 799 respondents using stratified sampling technique. Data were analysed at univariate, bivariate and ordinal logistic regression using SPSS version 22.0. Majority of the respondents rated their self-reported health status as excellent to good. The findings show that education increases the chances of achieving excellent to good selfreported health status; that female respondent reported excellent to good self-reported health status compared to the male respondents Also, Christians and Muslims reported excellent to good self-reported
health status. Safely walking alone at night/day in the community positively affected self-reported health status. Fear of crime has direct relationship with self-reported health status. Sociodemographic, community characteristics and fear of crime influence self-reported health status. Policy on crime control should be specific at reducing fear of crime at individual and community levels to promote healthy individuals and communities. 

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How to Cite
Adejoh, S. O. ., Attoh, Franca., Akinbode, G. A. ., Elias, P. ., & Abiodun, A. . (2022). SOCIO-DEMOGRAPHIC, COMMUNITY CHARACTERISTICS AND FEAR OF CRIME AS CORRELATES OF SELF-REPORTED HEALTH STATUS IN LAGOS, NIGERIA: Ibom Journal of Social Issues, 11(2), 64–74. Retrieved from


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