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This paper shall examine the idea and nature of terrorism and the dangers it poses to the Nigerian system. It considers the reign of terror that has been perpetrated by terrorist groups and how it has resulted in wanton waste of precious human lives. There have been efforts by the government of Nigeria especially through the military to rescue the nation from this menace, but these efforts are clearly not enough, given that innocent citizens are still being assaulted, maimed and killed at the slightest of opportunities by different terrorist groups domiciled in and operating within the country. The activities of these immoral men have not only taken sleep away from the eyes of Nigerian citizens, but it has shaken the political, economic, religious, legal, cultural and the security apparatuses of this nation to their foundations, undermining all important moves made by constituted authority to curb its dangerous spread, and showing reckless disregard for the sanctity of human life. The paper attempts to apply Alexander Passerin D'entreves' notion of law to see how it can be harnessed and applied in addressing what has proven to be an international shame. To achieve this aim, this work shall adopt qualitative method as it tries to bring about a holistic picture of terrorism in Nigeria and the way forward.
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