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Ebere James Okorie
Ugochi Mary Igbokwe
Emmanuel Umontuen


This paper examines the role of judicial judgment in curbing crime in the society with special interest in the Nigerian society. To examine this successfully, some cases handled by the judicial system in Nigeria are analysed, and the judgment passed on these cases are stated in this work which gives a clearer picture of the role judicial judgment plays, in recent times, in curbing crime. Defining the concept of crime by various scholars such as Paul Wilbur Tappan, as well as a brief look into Emile Durkheim’s view that crime is inevitable and a normal aspect of social life are also areas touched in this work. This study adopt, the content analysis methodology and the classical theory of Jeremy Bentham to explain the topic. Other theories reviewed in this work include: Marxist theory of crime
control and the Legalization and Decriminalization theories. In conclusion, it is recommended that judgments passed on cases should be given higher publicity and judicial judgment should be swift as the punishment meted on offenders should be severe enough to
have a deterrent effect on others, as this would help in curbing crime since man is a rational being.

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How to Cite
Okorie, E. J., Igbokwe, U. M., & Umontuen, E. (2023). THE ROLES OF JUDICIAL JUDGMENTS IN CURBING CRIME IN NIGERIA: DOI: 10.36108/IJSI/2202.11.0350. Ibom Journal of Social Issues, 11(3), 44–51. Retrieved from
Author Biography

Emmanuel Umontuen, Department of Sociology and Anthropology, University of Uyo, Nigeria


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