Prebendalism, Corruption and Misgovernance in a Fractured Society: Till Death Do Us Part in Nigeria DOI: 10.36108/IJSI/2202.11.0130

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Justin Ikechukwu Onuoha


Every society aspires to develop, and create positive opportunities for her citizens to grow and prosper. Nigeria, since its independents in 1960 has not been able to grow and create opportunities for her citizens. One begins to wonder why Nigeria is divided and experiencing stunted growth. This paper, therefore sought to locate the problem in the social structure of Nigeria. Nigeria has been operating under imposed emergent migrant social structures. This new social structure brought to the fore what is referred to as the two publics: primordial and civic publics. The pluralism is arising from the 1914 amalgamation which brought difffferent groups together to compete for limited but essential resources leading to the adoption of prebendalism by various groups which in turn has led to corruption and misgovernance. These variables have kept the Nigerian society from growing in its development trajectory. This has occasioned lack of trust among the various groups and enhanced their desire to get their share of the national cake. To understand this behaviour, the paper was guided by the Attraction- Selection-Attrition theory that explains how and why people adopt allegiance to the primordial public instead of the civic public. This paper concludes that except prebendalism which gives rise to corruption and misgovernance is dealt with, Nigerians cannot benefifit from the expected ideal functions of the society.


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How to Cite
Onuoha, J. I. (2022). Prebendalism, Corruption and Misgovernance in a Fractured Society: Till Death Do Us Part in Nigeria: DOI: 10.36108/IJSI/2202.11.0130. Ibom Journal of Social Issues, 11(1), 21. Retrieved from
Author Biography

Justin Ikechukwu Onuoha, Department of Sociology


Abia State University, Uturu


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